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Land to the North of Escrick - Update from Escrick Park Estate with Linden Homes Limited

published on 24th Jun 2014

This notice was last updated on 24th Jun 2014.

At recent Parish Council and Parish Meetings, Escrick Park Estate’s proposals for residential development on land to the north of Escrick were described by the Estate’s Planning Consultant. Since the Parish Meeting, the Estate has agreed terms for the development of the site with Linden Homes Limited who will now take over the promotion of the site lying to the north of Dower Chase/Dower Park and the Mine Road, with support from the Estate.

Linden Homes wish to confirm the following:

  • All their residential schemes are design-lead and tailored to meet the needs and character of the area, and on this site will include bungalows.
  • Linden’s detailed scheme will retain the off-site recreational, landscape, junction improvements and permissive footpath proposals previously put forward by the Estate.
  • Linden Homes consider that “average” residential densities are not appropriate in this location and that the site (i.e. the combined areas currently proposed by CYC for housing and as safeguarded land), cannot accommodate anything like 250 dwellings. Their architects are currently working on a site layout which will deliver in the order of 150-160 homes.

Consultation Notice from Escrick Parish Council

published on 20th Jun 2014 (updated on 24th Jun 2014)

This notice was last updated on 24th Jun 2014.

Proposed Housing Development Sites in Escrick

More details

Tour de France - Traffic Disruption

published on 3rd Jun 2014

This notice was last updated on 3rd Jun 2014.

The Parish Council has been advised of significant disruption to traffic movements in certain parts of the country over the weekend of Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th July when Yorkshire hosts the Tour de France Grand Départ.  The route will be:

5th July - Stage One: Leeds travelling out to Otley; entering North Yorkshire in Craven; moving on to Skipton and the Yorkshire Dales; ending in Harrogate.

6th July - Stage Two: York travelling to Knaresborough and Harrogate; travelling on to Bolton Abbey; finishing in Sheffield.

Road closures and temporary traffic management will be used on other roads leading to the race route to ensure the safe movement of motorists, pedestrians and cyclists to spectator points along the routes.  Full details of all the closures, including indicative timings, are on North Yorkshire County Council's website.  No parking will be permitted on the race route at any time during 5th and 6th July 2014 and any vehicles parked during this time will be removed.

Keep up with the latest news on Twitter - follow #TourDeFrance 

Contact NYCC Customer Services at  0845 241 1307

Big Police Debate

published on 3rd Jun 2014

This notice was last updated on 3rd Jun 2014.

The Police and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire, Julia Mulligan, has launched the Big Police Debate: a major public consultation exercise which will shape the future of policing and community safety in your area.  There is a public survey on, which will run until 15th June.  This is open to any member of the public who wishes to contribute.

Annual Parish Meeting 2014

published on 4th May 2014

This notice was last updated on 4th May 2014.

Annual Parish Meeting

To be held on 27th May at 7pm at Escrick and Deighton Club

Light Refreshments will be served

The Annual Parish Meeting is an opportunity for parishioners on the Electoral Roll for Escrick to raise any matters of concern to them that relates to their local community.

This is NOT a Parish Council meeting. It is helpful to have written notice of any matters to be raised but it is not essential. Matters can be raised at the meeting without prior notice. For any queries, please contact the Clerk to the Parish Council, Linda Reader (

This year, among other presenters, there will be a presentation by Jennifer Hubbard, Town Planning Consultant, about potential areas of development north of Escrick.

The Future of the Post Office in Escrick

The Agenda will be published on the website and the Parish Council noticeboard

North Selby Mine Development - 1st May

published on 1st May 2014

This notice was last updated on 1st May 2014.

The government has now written to City of York Council confirming it will not fully investigate the plans, and planning approval has been officially granted.


Canine car park and walk

published on 30th Apr 2014

This notice was last updated on 30th Apr 2014.

The Escrick Park Estate is pleased to launch The Canine Car Park & Walk. More details...

Yorkshire Pudding Rally 2014

published on 30th Apr 2014

This notice was last updated on 30th Apr 2014.

Please note that during the weekend of the 1—3rd August 2014 Escrick Park will be hosting a motorcycle rally in the parkland. This will be a camping weekend with live music. The music will be kept within the environmental accepted levels.

Those attending will also be using the local facilities in the village, garage, shop and public houses, and are likely to access on foot. There will also be an in increase in motorcycle traffic on the A19 and through the village during the arrival and departure times. The police and highways will be informed of this event.

Escrick Park Estate

Attempted Burglary

published on 10th Apr 2014

This notice was last updated on 10th Apr 2014.

Escrick attempted burglary

North Yorkshire Police are appealing for witnesses and information about an attempted burglary which occurred in Escrick at some point between 7 April 2014 and 4.20pm on Tuesday 8 April 2014 at a detached property in Wenlock Drive.

More details 

Easter Weekend 2014

published on 8th Apr 2014

This notice was last updated on 8th Apr 2014.

Escrick & Deighton Club - Easter events

Click here for details 

Showing notices 21 to 30, of 40

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